Monday, June 16, 2008

Our Organic Gardening Arsenal

At Marvin’s Organic Gardens, we are dedicated to safe and natural, lawn and garden practices. We approach plant health and pest control with products and techniques that reduce soil and water pollution, and to minimize health concerns for both humans and wildlife. We continue to introduce new and useful organic gardening products to our garden center shelves so that we can all approach plant health, pest pressures and weed problems naturally and safely. Some of the earth friendly products in our organic gardening arsenal include:

1. Organic 8-3-3 and 3-3-3 Fertilizer - These multipurpose granular fertilizers have a range of short and long-term growth and disease suppressive benefits for lawns, gardens and containerized plants when used at the proper rate. These poultry manure-based fertilizers are easy to spread, reduce the risk of soil and water pollution, and promote healthy lawns and landscapes.

2. Corn Gluten- This natural pre-emergent weed control contains naturally occurring substances that inhibit weed seeds tiny feeder roots when applied to lawns and garden in early spring, late spring and fall. Also, C.G. naturally contains 9% nitrogen which helps promote healthy lawn and landscape growth.

3. Bagged and Bulk Compost- These superb compost blends are an excellent amendment for both garden and container plantings, and help to restore worn out lawns in need of rejuvenation. Compost helps reduce disease incidence in both lawns and gardens, and will loosen compacted clay soils when applied at a ½”-1” rate.

4. Burn Out Weed Control- This safe, fast acting product is for non-selective control of most broadleaf and grass weeds. Burn Out is most affective when applied on warm, sunny days, and can be used to spot treat weeds in lawns, mulch beds, patio, walkways, fence lines and driveways.

5. Milky Spore- An all-natural bacteria-based product for Japanese beetle control developed by the USDA that will not harm beneficial insects, humans or animals. Once applied, Milky Spore can last up to 20 years in your soil controlling Japanese beetle grubs. This safe grub control product can be applied to open lawns, mulch beds, flower and vegetable gardens.

6. Diatomaceous Earth- This safe and affective control for ants, fleas, ticks, slugs, termites, spiders and roaches is derived from fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. This product is so safe that it can be rubbed right into your dog or cat’s fur for flea control. Can be applied around home foundations, around garden plants and in the corners and crevices inside your home.

7. Deer Scram- Our most popular organic granular deer and rabbit scent based repellant works for up to 45-60 days, even when rained on. D.S. has no foul odor to people, but when applied as a protective band at the base of vulnerable plants, will prevent damage to valuable landscape plants and vegetable crops, and also acts as a mild fertilizer.

8. Mycorrhizal CPR-We are proud to introduce this beneficial plant fungi product which helps encourage overall plant health and growth, lessen disease pressures and increases plants drought tolerance when applied around the root system of almost all plants. As the mycorrhizae associate themselves with plant roots, they send out hair-like strands in the soil, which act as siphons to dissolve and facilitate the absorption of many minerals and water essential for healthy plant growth.

9. Fertilome Bt- This naturally occurring biological/microbial insecticide-based spray is intended for control of bagworms, borers, leaf miners and most leaf-eating caterpillars. When larvae eat the treated plant leaves, the Bt bacteria destroys their stomachs, and kills target insects in 1-2 days. It is most effective to apply Bt to young, heavily feeding larvae, and poses no health risk to humans, pets, birds, bees and fish.

10. Mosquito Barrier- When first sprayed, the natural sulfurs kill the mosquitoes that are struck by the spray, afterwards any mosquitoes entering the area detect the garlic sulfurs and avoid the area for 2-4 weeks. The M.B. spray also works well to keep fleas and ticks from your yard, and is entirely safe for humans, pets and wildlife. M.B. is designed for spraying on all plant foliage and areas of standing water.

Stop in today to Marvin’s Organic Gardens to arm your lawn and gardens with our vast arsenal of environmentally safe plant health and pest control products. We have numerous organic gardening products in addition to the abovementioned, and a helpful and friendly staff to answer all your gardening questions. Please mention this article at our garden center to receive 25% off all Ornamental Grasses, Asters, Mums and Ornamental Kale and Cabbage. Go Organic! It’s Only Natural.


Anonymous said...

My yard has fleas and I think I've brought them in the house on my clothes. We don't want to use pesticides because we're concerned about pollinators and lightning bugs. I was happy to read about your suggestions.

Becky said...

Thanks for the great organic gardening

kneazle said...

Great info! I'm about to use the milky spore this month. We've had lots of Japanese Beetles in our small town and my garden was one of the hardest hit. Unfortunately all the farm stores around here want to point you to Sevin or to "Bayer Tree and Shrub" which is such a horrible thing for the honey bees that visit my yard from two locations! Nearly no one else seems to care! Thanks for doing your part!

kneazle said...

Great info! I'm about to use the milky spore this month. We've had lots of Japanese Beetles in our small town and my garden was one of the hardest hit. Unfortunately all the farm stores around here want to point you to Sevin or to "Bayer Tree and Shrub" which is such a horrible thing for the honey bees that visit my yard from twolocations! Nearly no one else seems to care! Thanks for doing your part!